

English version

Kenneth Gbandi und Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund

Kenneth Gbandi ist seit über 10 Jahren aktiv in sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Bereichen in Hamburg tätig. Er ist nicht nur einer der Gründer vom mehren Organisationen für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund, sondern er hat sich an vielen Stellen für Menschen engagiert.

Kenneth Gbandi ist verantwortlich für den reibungslosen Ablauf der Veranstaltung "African Queen" und er ist der Herausgeber des African Hermitage Magazine, ein außergewöhnliches Hochglanzmagazin, das in Deutschland veröffentlich wird, um einen Einblick in die Welt der afrikanischen Immigranten in Deutschland zu gewähren. Afrikaner in Deutschland werden von African Heritage mit den Informationen versorgt, die sie interessieren und im umgekehrten Sinne werden Afrikaner und Freunde Afrikas über afrikanische Erfolgsgeschichten unterrichtet.

Kenneth Gbandi ist überzeugt, dass Deutschland sich in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem multikulturellen Land entwickelt hat, deshalb bietet er die „Miss Africa Deutschland" Wahl an. Sein Ziel ist es, Afrikaner in einem positiven Licht darzustellen und den lebensbejahenden afrikanischen Lebensstil in die deutsche Kulturlandschaft zu integrieren. Im Veranstaltungsprogramm wird den in Deutschland lebenden afrikanisch - europäischen Sängern, Designern und Tänzern, die Gelegenheit geboten, vor einem großen Publikum ihr Können zu präsentieren. Dieses Event soll keine Abgrenzung zu den anderen Kulturen darstellen, sondern die positive Energie Afrikas verdeutlichen und eine Chance geben, ihre

Bereitschaft zur Integration zu beweisen.

Daneben hat Kenneth Gbandi auch den „KAM Award" ins Leben gerufen. „KAMA" steht für "Preis für die Leistungen eines Kulturbotschafters". Der Preis wird an Afrikaner und Personen vergeben, die das positive Bild des afrikanischen Kontinents unterstützen und ihre Talente auch außerhalb Afrikas für uns einsetzen. An der Verleihung des Preises eines Kulturbotschafters im Jahre 2005 und 2006 nahmen die Botschafter aus Südafrika, Mali, Kenia und Vertreter der Botschafter aus Ghana, Mauritius und Benin teil.

Kenneth Gbandi hat auch die Wirtschaftsgruppe der nigerianischen Unternehmer und Fachleute in Deutschland „Nigerian Professionals and Entrepreneurs in Germany" (NIPEG) gegründet. Dies ist eine Organisation, in der sich nigerianische Unternehmer und Fachleute dafür einsetzen, den Handel und die Investitionen zwischen Nigeria und Deutschland voranzutreiben. Zukünftig soll dieses Projekt auch auf andere afrikanische Nationalitäten in Deutschland ausgeweitet werden.

Seit drei Jahren produziert Kenneth Gbandi "Afrika Outlook TV", ein Fernsehprogramm, das auf TIDE TV Hamburg ausgestrahlt wird. Wir geben prominenten Hamburgern, Afrikanern sowie Personen anderer Nationalitäten aus dem Bereich Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur und Unterhaltung eine Plattform, sich zu präsentieren. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf der afrikanischen Perspektive. Dadurch sollen Missverständnisse ausgeräumt und Brücken der Freundschaft errichtet werden.

Kenneth Gbandi ist einer der Mitbegründer des „NCG Football Club Hamburg", dessen Sportdirektor er z.Zt. ist. NCG ist multiethnischer und multikultureller Fußballklub für alle, die Fußball lieben. . NCG FC ist ein Mitglied des Hamburg Sport Bundes (HSB) und des Hamburger Fußball Verbandes (HFV).

Kenneth Gbandi ist Mitglied des „Deutschen Journalisten Verbandes", Mitglied des Beirates der „Hamburger Stiftung für Immigranten" und Mitglied der Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD).



German Version 


Born in 1968

In Akwkwu Igbo

Delta State

A south eastern town of Nigeria

Resident in Hamburg since 1994



Graduated in 1992 from University of Calabar, a leading first generation university in Nigeria with a BSc. Hons in Geography and Regional Planning

Admitted to the University of Hamburg in 1999 and self-exmatriculated from the university with a Vor. Diplom and German languages for foreign students

A research student at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) which is a member of the prestigious Leibniz-Institut for Globale and Regionale Studies from February 2011 to July 2011

Graduated from the University of Hamburg in 2011 with a Masters degree in Peace and Security studies



∆ Bringing in over 15 years of experience as a project Manager and a publisher both in print and electronic media

∆ As accredited “Ausbildung Firm” by Handelskammer Hamburg, we have offered medium and short time practical opportunities in the areas of events and office management for people with immigration background of which 70% are Africans. This I hope to pursue with other Pro-immigrant firms.

∆ I am bringing over 7 years of experience with African Heritage Magazine which is involved with empowering, informing and educating the community and the general public while, likewise showcasing honest hard working Africans and the rich African culture thus building bridges across African and European culture

∆ I am bringing in 3 years as initiator and producer of Afrika Outlook TV program on TIDE TV Hamburg, which features prominent Hamburg citizens, Africans and the general public in the areas of politics, business culture and entertainment and telling our stories from the African perspective; thereby breaking down misunderstandings and building bridges of friendships across frontiers

∆ I am bringing in 7 years of experience of organizing the Miss Africa Germany (African Queen). Deutschland has in recent years developed into a multicultural society. Though indeed a pure beauty pageant, the goal is to integrate the positive energy of Africans into the German cultural landscape and to further raise our profile within this multicultural setting.

Africans meet Politicians

In collaboration with Mr Desmond John Beddy of TopAfric and SPD Hamburg, I organized a political forum for Africans to meet and rub minds with politicians representing constituencies where they live both at local and national levels. At the first inaugural meeting were Aydan Özogus; Federal Member of Parliament, Ksenija Bekeri; Hamburg Member of Parliament; Funda Gär and Neithard Genz; Regional representatives amongst others. This I intend to make a regular feature in a broad base political coalition from our inauguration.

Sports and Social Activities

I will bring in my humble little experience in sports management. I co-initiated the NCG Football Club Hamburg which I am currently the Sport Director. NCG is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural football club for all lovers of soccer. NCG FC is a member of Hamburg Sport Bund (HSB), Hamburger Football Verband (HFV) both affiliate to German Football Federation (DFB). Today NCG FC is ranking first on their league table and Face Book members of NCG FC boasts of national and international professional footballers and prominent personalities including Olaf Scholz, the Bürgermeister of Hamburg.

Network Building

As a Member of German Union of Journalist and member of Inter-cultural Media Hamburg, I will do my best to see a balanced media representation of Africans in the Hamburg media.

As member (Vorstand Beirat ) Hamburger Stiftung for Immigranteen, I will be a positive influence and multiplicator for the interest of the African community in Hamburg.

As a member of Xing African Business Club, Member Handeskammer Hamburg, I will work on initiatives within the ACF for more active network building across business and professional frontiers.


Now you know why your organization must vote wisely and put competence and the general interest first. It is time for a positive change.


The Issue

Any person with migration background and residing in Hamburg can be elected. This person does not have to belong to any organization. All candidates are elected as individuals and not as representatives of an organization. The purpose, rather, is to find persons whose expertise in immigration issues allows them to be supported by as many organizations as possible, whose range of experience is as broad as possible and whose knowledge can constructively contribute to the work of the Integration Council.


(Source:- Ministry of Labour, Social and Family Affairs and Integration)



My Plan

To lead a dynamic initiative using my long years of tested and trusted contacts and experiences amongst citizens of Hamburg and the African community and to carefully articulate and present the interest of the African community in a well articulated manner; while respecting the rich and long tradition of the “Freie und Hansestadt of Hamburg” built on discipline, rule of law and diligence.


I am aware of the enormous time commitment and expectation, but, I am fully ready and equipped to invest the needed time, energy and experience to lay a positive lasting foundation for our children, the fast growing African-German generation in Hamburg.



Broad base political coalitions

As a representatives of the African Community in Hamburg, my first challenge requires me to bring to the notice of the authorities the concern of the African community including Jobs, Housing, Health, Education (practical training opportunities) Social and Family, Police & Justice (Asylum and Deportations) Sports, Culture and Media. As a member of the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), I will use my contacts to my Genossinnen und Genossen and also with other democratic parties in Hamburg to build broad base political coalitions with the view to addressing the concerns of the African community.

African Consultative forum

When elected, I will in collaboration with my colleague (African Representative) in the council establish an African Consultative Forum (ACF) which will be made-up of all the accredited African Vereins in Hamburg.

ACF will comprise a speaker and a Secretary General who will speak on behalf of and co-ordinate the various proposals by the ACF. The ACF will further comprise Sub committees to reflect important existing ministries and departments in Hamburg that are most relevant and important to the African Community. They will include Jobs, Housing, Health, Education (practical training opportunities) Social and Family, Police & Justice (Asylum and Deportations) Sports, Culture and media.

The Task of ACF

a. To act as a “Think Tank group” and to help articulate an African Interest in Hamburg on issues like Jobs, Housing, Health, Education, Asylum and Deportations e.t.c.

b. Provide a solid and coordinated Network between the African communities and fellow citizens of Hamburg

c. Function as a Lobby group and help promote peace and cordial relationship amongst the citizens of Hamburg